
Windows 10 headphones sound weird
Windows 10 headphones sound weird

windows 10 headphones sound weird windows 10 headphones sound weird

I'm not sure what other types of audio files to look for. I've tried using process monitor to look for instances of. The Epic Store is not set to run at startup and If there's a process associated with the store or game that runs at startup it's not clearly labeled as such.

windows 10 headphones sound weird

This sound continues to play at seemingly random intervals (between 15 minutes and several hours) even after exiting the game and shutting down the Epic Store Launcher, and even after rebooting the machine and not launching the Epic Store or the game. It's also identical to a sound that would play occasionally when I left the original Subnautica on pause for long periods of time, but in that case it would stop when I exited the game. A good idea but a week ago he wrote 'Volume mixer doesn't seem to help' by which I understand that even if the volume control for Chrome of Firefox is set to 0 (while playing video online) this strange sound appears nonetheless. This problem started a few days ago when I started playing Subnautica Below Zero, It sounds sort of like an echoing warbling sci-fi sonar ping similar to the sounds one might hear in the game.

Windows 10 headphones sound weird